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Tone from the Top, Bottom and Everywhere in Between

Tone from the Top, Bottom and Everywhere in Between: 4 Ways to Leverage Your Influence to Assure Ethics and Compliance

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The importance of 'tone at the top' is undeniable when it comes to supporting a culture of ethics, compliance, and accountability. However, regardless of your job title or job description, there is an active and important role you can take in setting the tone of your organization. We all have a sphere of influence, - whether formal, informal, or both - and this program will help you identify how you can use your influence in the service of supporting ethics, compliance, and accountability.

Regardless of your job title or level of experience, you will come away from this program with ideas for what you can do both personally and organizationally to shape the ethical tone of your business.

Watch Christopher Bauer, PhD, CSP, CFS, discuss the steps you can take to help create and sustain an ethical culture in your organization. Dr. Bauer is an expert on workplace ethics and speaks regularly to audiences from around the world on how to develop cultures of ethics, compliance, and accountability.

Webinar viewers will learn:
  • The most important message to communicate to employees regarding ethics and compliance
  • The single most effective method for shaping a culture of ethics and compliance
  • The most powerful tool that anyone can (and should) use to respond to ethics concerns on the job
  • Simple yet effective ideas for leveraging your influence to shape the ethical tone of your organization

Watch the Webinar