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Ethics & Compliance

Case IQ’s investigative case management solution makes investigating issues and fully complying with a wide range of regulations smooth, secure, and efficient without sacrificing thoroughness and investigatory rigor.

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With increasingly stringent federal policies around record-keeping and due diligence, compliance professionals are under real pressure to demonstrate consistency and rigor throughout their case management processes. Case IQ delivers a rock-solid solution.”

Tom Fox, “The Compliance Evangelist”
Data Points

Ethical Culture Matters


An alarming 87 percent of employees indicated that their workplace does not have a strong ethical culture.


Almost two-thirds of employees said that within the last 12 months, they observed at least one act that they deemed to be a violation of their organization’s standards or the law.


A recent ECI survey found that strong investigation programs reduce repeat offenders by 50 percent.

How Case IQ Helps

Case IQ ensures ease of compliance and helps your team conduct smoother ethics & compliance investigations

With consistency in documentation, built-in security, advanced and real-time reporting tools, and user configurable workflows, ethics and compliance professionals can streamline their process to best protect their organizations and prevent incidents. Plus, our omnichannel intake ensures your colleagues feel secure and confident to speak up about potential and existing risks while you get the data you need to make informed decisions.

  • Make speaking up safe
    Use the Case IQ reporting hotline or integrate your existing reporting channels. Our case intake options meet all EEOC, CCOHS, OSHA, SEC and DOJ requirements.
  • Automate workflows to resolve cases faster
    Intuitive user-configurable workflows eliminate many manual tasks, speeding the process to ensure efficient, thorough case resolutions.
  • Learn from your data
    Advanced real-time reporting data from our award-winning reporting tools guides the kind of decision making that can lead to significant compliance improvements.
  • Foster privacy, confidentiality and trust
    Our systems meet the most stringent global standards for data privacy, transfer, and reporting. Role-defined access lets internal and external teams work together safely, securely, and in full compliance.

Ethics & Compliance

Solutions for Every Organization

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Trusted by the world’s most ethical organizations