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4 Ways to Make Better Data-Driven Decisions With Case Management Software

4 Ways to Make Better Data-Driven Decisions With Case Management Software

Case management software helps you store, manage and analyze your data all with one tool so you can make strong, data-driven business decisions.

California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) holds a dark secret, according to five current and former employees of the school’s Campus Dining services. They all claim to have been sexually harassed by their former executive chef and filed complaints with HR, but never saw action taken against the alleged harasser. Many lived in fear of retaliation and further harassment, but the chef continued his employment at Cal Poly for two more years after the initial complaints were filed.

Ignoring employee complaints obviously makes them lose trust in your organization and can foster a culture of silence and toxicity. But not using historic incident data to your advantage can also allow issues to escalate, which is bad for both your company and current and future employees.

Are you using your case data to its fullest? Keep reading to learn how case management software can help you make data-driven business decisions without spending hours on analysis.

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Reporting Challenges of Poor Data

Investigation teams struggle with reporting when their process doesn’t produce effective metrics. In fact, a recent Case IQ poll found that over 80 per cent of case managers ranked reporting as their most difficult challenge. Simply put, poor data yields poor analysis, which means you might not be making the most informed decisions for your company.

But why is that a problem? Here are four reasons good data hygiene is key for every organization:

  1. The lack of structured data makes proactive decision-making difficult. You’re forced to make decisions based on intuition, which can be reactive and risky.
  2. Coaching is difficult with no visibility on the team performance. With subpar oversight, management can’t understand what’s working and what’s not.
  3. It’s time consuming to audit spreadsheets to correct human errors. You might spend hours validating data and manually creating reports and presentations, time that could be used for more core tasks.
  4. Handling sensitive company data in multiple systems is error prone. If you’re manually processing data, your company increases its risk of lost information and security concerns.

As you can see, spreadsheets, paper files and homegrown case management systems come with data-related risks. However, a purpose-built case management system consolidates your data and provides powerful reporting capabilities.

Consistent, Reliable Data

More reliable data empowers informed decision making for your company. Case management software includes drop-down picklists, mandatory fields and defined data collection, all of which ensure consistent inputs and outputs.

Having consistent data formatting and processes keeps the whole team on the same page, reducing errors and duplication of effort. You’ll also be able to analyze and report on your data faster, saving time and money.

Improved Productivity

Looking to boost your team’s productivity? Real time performance metrics help managers identify places where processes could be more efficient.

Configurable reports and user performance data provide leadership with insight on bottlenecks in process. Use this data to modify parts of your case management protocol that aren’t working. You can also identify team members who frequently miss deadlines for training opportunities or disciplinary action.

See how one organization centralized their data and improved reporting with Case IQ.

Home Health Care Management saves time and money with case management software and you can too.

Read the Case Study

Integrated Analysis

Data analysis and reporting are tedious and can take hours to complete, and when done manually, come with the risk of errors. Instead, choose case management software featuring world-class case management analytics with integrated business intelligence.

You’ll never have to manually build reports again. Case management software pulls your historic case data into easy-to-read graphs and charts to help you make data-driven decisions. Live dashboards, KPI monitoring and automated distributions to keep the right stakeholders informed without taking up all your team’s time.

All-in-One Platform

Don’t risk losing important pieces of information by storing data in multiple places. An all-in-one system lets you store, manage and report on case data from one centralized, secure platform.

With industry-leading security standards, granular user permissions and integrated data, you’ll save time and reduce risk. Case data is protected, and you won’t have to waste time tracking down information, ensuring faster resolution times.

How Case IQ Can Help

Case IQ’s powerful case management software can make any investigator’s job less stressful. Our powerful reporting tool helps you analyze data in minutes, giving insight that can inform your corrective and preventive actions. Manager dashboards also provide team performance metrics to show where your processes need improvement.

Learn more about how Case IQ can improve your case management here.