Case Management System: Investigative Standards

Investigative Standards
Chapter 1: 5 Ways to Build Stronger Cases
Chapter 1: Investigative Standards
By setting and monitoring standards for the execution of each investigation, an enterprise can show that the process produced credible results and complied with requirements of law and internal control.
Law prefers that organizations regulate themselves. In the US, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines teach that the legal system will reward an organization, when it gets into legal trouble, if it maintained a genuine legal compliance program.
The i-Sight (now Case IQ) solution fosters and documents compliance and self-regulation. It does this by recording the steps of each investigation and issuing timely notices and reminders to those responsible for each step.
It urges supervisors, executives, or even representatives of a board of directors, to monitor the progress of an investigation. i-Sight (now Case IQ)’s documentation of notices, reminders and monitoring can confirm for a court or government authority that, in fact, the organization was regulating itself, even if particular employees engaged in unethical or illegal activity.
i-Sight (now Case IQ) software has the capacity to enforce rules that govern the processes in an investigation. For instance, a rule might stipulate that a certain threshold of
evidence is necessary after an initial inquiry, otherwise the investigation ends.
Chapter 2: Case Management System: Labels and Notices
Chapter 3: Case Management System: Audit Trails
Chapter 4: Case Management System: Software as a Service
Chapter 5: Case Management System: Flexibility