Wish you could get advice from a workplace investigations expert? Register for Meric Bloch’s webinar series where he’ll address common questions and concerns from investigators like you.


The Winter Method: A Business-Focused Approach to Workplace Investigations

The Winter Method: A Business-Focused Approach to Workplace Investigations

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Companies routinely conduct investigations of suspected employee misconduct. These investigations that tend to focus on whether misconduct occurred and to what extent the offending employee should be disciplined.

Like any other business function, investigations need an ROI. The organization benefits when unacceptable business risks are identified and addressed as a result of the investigation findings.

The Winter Method is a five-part investigations methodology with an emphasis on root-cause analysis and business-related guidance. It is a framework by which investigators consider the totality of business risks that allowed misconduct to occur.

Watch Meric Bloch, investigator, author and speaker, as he presents his investigative framework, The Winter Method: A Business-Focused Approach to Workplace Investigations.

During the webinar, Meric will outline his five-phase strategy for investigations, including:
  • Identification
  • Preparation
  • Collection
  • Analysis
  • Presentation

Watch the Webinar

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