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Customer Complaint Letter Response Template

Customer Complaint Letter Response Template

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While your priority as a business is to provide top-notch service, things don't always go as planned. When their expectations or needs aren't met, customers and clients may reach out by sending a complaint letter to your company.

Even if you don't launch an investigation or implement a change as a result of the complaint, responding to the customer's letter shows you value their opinion. No matter the size or nature of their complaint, customers like to do business with companies that accept feedback and are transparent and accessible.

This customer complaint letter response template is a free download you can use to ensure you provide customers with satisfying replies to their concerns, as well as improve your overall customer service. While every complaint needs to be addressed slightly differently, this helpful document provides a basic structure you can use again and again. In addition, you'll find suggestions for appropriate wording and tips on what not to do.

Download this template and use it as a guide when composing replies to customer complaint letters.

Respond to a customer complaint letter that in a way that is:

  • Professional
  • Compassionate
  • Consistent
  • Apologetic
  • Objective
  • Conciliatory
  • Timely

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